Banana Turon

Banana Turon

4 ripe plantains
1/2 cup sugar
8 pieces lumpia wrapper or spring roll wrapper
1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds
oil for frying
water to seal the spring roll wrapper

Cooking Instructions:

1. Cut plantain in half, and cut each half lengthwise.
2. Place 2 plantain in the spring roll wrapper and sprinkle with brown sugar and sesame seeds.
3. Fold wrapper and banana over once, then fold the side ends in, then continue folding until you reach the end of the wrapper. Seal the end with water.
4. Repeat procedure with the rest of the banana slices.
5. Fry in medium high oil until golden brown and crisp.
Note: To keep it crunchy, do not cover it while it is hot.

source :  blogging mama

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