PUCHIFLAN (Puto-Kuchinta-Leche Flan)

PUCHIFLAN (Puto-Kuchinta-Leche Flan)

4 egg yolks
1can condensed milk
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice or essence(optional)
Cooking Instructions
1.mix together the milk,lemon juice and egg yolk stir slowly to avoid bubbles.
2. Strain using a cheese cloth for a smooth texture.
3. Put 1 tablespoon of the flan batter in each plastic mold, make sure that the molds are greased with BUTTER lightly only don't over greased..(over greasing will cook the flan and it will taste like egg)
4. Steam for 5 minutes or until the batter is hard and not watery.

1 cup rice flour
3/4 c all purpose flour
1 c sugar
1/2 tsp lye water
1 tsp corn flour
1 tsp annato powder
2 1/2 c water

Cooking Instructions
1. Mix all dry ingredient , flour, rice flour, sugar, corn flour
2. Dissolve annato powder in the water
3.Gradually add water and continue mixing until free of lumps. Add lye water mix until well combined.
4 Pour mixture into slightly greased molds. Arrange in steamer. Put a cloth under the steamer cover to prevent water from dripping to the kutsinta. Steam for 45 minutes

2 cups all purpose flour
1 and 1/2 table spoon of baking powder
1 cup white sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/4 cup melted butter
1 3/4 cup water

Cooking Instructions
1. Mix all the dry ingredients flour, baking powder, sugar, salt. Make sure that it is incorporated. (Thoroughly mix ) 2. Add the wet ingredients water, butter & egg. 3. Stir slowly until lump free. 4. For soft texture strain with a cheese cloth.


1. Steam 1 tbsp of flan mixture for 7 mins, let it cool. 
2.Top with 1 tbsp of kutsinta mixture steam for 10 mins. Let it cool again. 
3.Pour 2 tbsp of puto mixture and steam for another 10 mins. Let it cool again before un molding

DISCLAIMER:  cookingpinay.blogspot.com is a Filipino food blog that features Filipino recipes from various sources around the web. We claim no credit for any images, texts, recipes and videos posted on this blog unless otherwise mentioned.

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