Kalamay sa Latik

Kalamay sa Latik


For latik  (or check this  for the recipe)

2 cans thick coconut milk

For Kalamay dough:
3 cups glutinous rice flour
2 tbsp white sugar
1/2 coconut milk or water

For Sweet syrup:
1 1/2 cups water
2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup langka (jack fruit cut in strips)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 pieces pandan leaves

Cooking Instructions

1. in deep woke or cooking pot pour in 2 cans coconut milk  to make latik first
2. combine flour and sugar in a large bowl  gradually add coconut milk or water. mix well until well blended
3. prepare the steamer, line with cooking paper  rub with oil from cooked latik ,(coconut curd)  arrange and flatten the dough evenly  steam for about 30 minutes
4.  remove the kalamay from the steamer  and transfer it to a large tray or plate  let it cool down for about 2 hrs. 

5. make sweet syrup:  in sauce pan, combine water and sugar   and pandan   bring to a boil for 15 minutes (lower the heat) add langka and cook for another 10 minutes .  Wait until syrup completely cool down
6.  Star cutting Kalamay as desire shape and size
7.  soak in sweet syrup every pieces of kalamay
8.  transfer kalamay into serving plate  sprinkle with latik in top  now it's done and ready to serve 


DISCLAIMER:  cookingpinay.blogspot.com is a Filipino food blog that features Filipino recipes from various sources around the web. We claim no credit for any images, texts, recipes and videos posted on this blog unless otherwise mentioned.

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