Pork Adobo

Pork Adobo

1 kg pork belly, cubed
Water - 2 cups 
Bay leaves - 3-4pcs

Adobo paste:
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup vinegar
2 heads garlic, peeled
3 tbsp white sugar
2 pcs chili pepper (optional)
Black Pepper

Cooking Instructions:

1.  In a blender, place all the ingredients except for the pork belly and water, blend until it becomes a paste
2.  Place the pork belly in a pot, pour the adobo paste and water on the meat and stir.
3.  Cover the pot and bring to a boil on high heat.  Stir. Continue to simmer on medium fire until most of the liquids have evaporated
4.  Pour water on the meat at least 1 inch above the meat, add the bay leaves.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat and continue to simmer until the meat is tender.  Add more water as needed and continue to simmer until most of the liquids have evaporated.  
5. Once the liquids have evaporated allow the meat to fry in its own fat

DISCLAIMER:  cookingpinay.blogspot.com is a Filipino food blog that features Filipino recipes from various sources around the web. We claim no credit for any images, texts, recipes and videos posted on this blog unless otherwise mentioned.

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