Pork Barbecue

Pork Barbecue

Yield: 80-100 sticks
  5 kilos pork belly ( cut to your desired size) 1 litre Sprite 3 cups ketchup 1 cup pineapple juice 1 tablespoon ground pepper 1 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup lemon or calamnsi juice or vinegar 1 head garlic ( minced) salt to taste

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Combine all the ingredients and marinate for at least 2 hours, after 2 hours remove from the marinating sauce and put in the bamboo skewers. Do not throw the marinade because we will use is for basting while grilling the barbecue. If marinating sauce is not enough to brush the barbecue just add more or you can make your own sauce.
  2. When you start grilling bast the barbecue every now and then until cooked.

Note: You can improve the taste of this barbecue, use your own taste buds :-).
If you have a delicious barbecue recipe you can share it with me, thanks and happy cooking. 

source :  mely's kitchen

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