Pork Tocino

Pork Tocino 

(serves 6 – 8)
  • 1 kg skinless boneless pork
  • Curing mix:
  • 1 ½ tablespoons iodized salt
  • 5 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon gin/rice wine
  • ¼ tablespoon prague powder
  • A dash of MSG

Cooking Instructions:

In a bowl, combine all the ingredients for the curing mix. Evenly coat the pork slices with the curing mix then transfer it to a larger bowl, large enough to hold the pork. Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least one – two days before cooking.
When ready to cook, arrange the number of pork pieces you need in a pan and add water enough to cover the bottom. Cook it over medium heat, until the water evaporates and the tocino’s fat begins to render. Add a tablespoon or two of oil and fry until both sides take on a reddish hue and begin to brown. The pieces may burn easily so be careful. When done, remove from pan, serve with rice and an egg fried sunny side up. Enjoy!

source :  the Hungry Giant

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