Mongo Guisado

Mongo Guisado

  • 1 cup belly pork; sliced
  • 1 cup mongo beans
  • 4 cloves garlic; minced
  • 1 small onion; chopped
  • 1 tomato; sliced
  • 5 cups water
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 cup malungay or ampalaya leaves

Cooking Instructions:

  1. In a skillet, sauté the garlic, and onion. 

  2. Add pork and tomato, then season with salt to taste.

  3. Continue sauteing until pork renders fat and edges turns brown. Set aside as a mixture.
  4. Boil monggo in casserole until tender.
  5. Add the mixture, simmer, and stir.
  6. Add the ampalaya or malungay leaves before serving.
 DISCLAIMER: is a Filipino food blog that features Filipino recipes from various sources around the web. We claim no credit for any images, texts, recipes and videos posted on this blog unless otherwise mentioned.

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