Shakoy or Lubid Lubid

Shakoy or Lubid Lubid

  • 1½ cups all-purpose flour + extra for dusting
  • ¾ tbsp. instant yeast
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 cup oil, for frying
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp. cinnamon powder

Cooking Instructions:

  • In a bowl sift flour, add yeast and salt then mix well. Make a well and pour the water in the center and mix until forms a dough. 
  • Knead on a floured surface until smooth then form a ball. If the dough is too sticky just add a little flour and knead more until you get the right consistency. 
  • Grease bowl with oil, place the dough and cover with cloth and leave for an hour for the dough to rise and double its size.
  •  After rising, punch down the dough, knead and roll into log. Cut dough into small sizes evenly. 
  • Roll each piece into a long stick and twist.  Place on a baking tray and cover with cloth and let it rest for another hour to rise.
  • In a wok heat cooking oil in a medium heat, drop shakoylubidlubid” by batches and fry until golden brown. Drain on paper towels, drop in a bowl of sugar or cinnamon sugar is using one. Mix to coat evenly and shake off excess sugar and serve. 
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