Grilled Pork Belly

Grilled Pork Belly
  •  Pork Belly (at least half inch thick)
  • Banana Catsup
  • Soy Sauce
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Black Pepper
  • 7up
  • Sugar
  • Peanut Butter

Marinate the cut pork belly with 3/4 Cups Soy Sauce, 1/2 cup Banana Catsup, 1/2  cup 7up, crushed garlic and diced onions, and half ground black pepper. Let it soak for at least 30minutes but preferably marinated overnight.

Pan Grill

Using a cast iron pan, you can grill the pork belly on medium heat until both sides are cooked. If oil accumulates, make sure to discard before adding the next batch. While doing this, you can pre heat the oven at the highest temperature.

Oven Grill

With the left over marinade, baste both sides of the pork belly before putting in the oven and let it brown to your desired doneness.

Dipping Sauce

Mix together the soy sauce, catsup, peanut butter and sugar to make the dipping sauce. I cannot give the exact measurements since I just mixed it all up but it’s about 2 parts soy sauce for every 1 part catsup. So let’s say 1/2 cup soy sauce for 1/4 cup catsup and 2-3 spoons sugar. Add to that 1 tablespoon of peanut butter melted in the microwave (low power) with 3 tablespoons of water. This should give you a sauce almost like the one you would get in Aristocrat or Reyes Barbecue.

source:  kulugo

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