Sapin Sapin

Sapin Sapin

  • 1 1/2 cups malagkit galapong
  • 1/2 cup rice galapong
  • 2 1/2 cups white sugar
  • 3 cups cooked ube (mashed)
  • 4 cups thick coconut cream (from 2-3 coconuts)
  • 2 cans (big) condensed milk
  • food coloring; violet & egg-yellow
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


Cooking Instructions:

  1. Mix all the ingredients except for the mashed ube, vanilla extract, and food colorings
  2. Divide the mixture  into 3 parts: 
  3. For the one part, add in the mashed ube and the violet food coloring. Mix well.
  4. For the 2nd part, add egg-yellow coloring. Mix well.
  5.  For the 3rd part, add in the vanilla extract and mix well.
  6. Grease a 6" x 6 " baking pan.Pour the ube mixture (or whichever color you want). Spread evenly.
  7. Cover the baking pan with cheese cloth before steaming. Steam for 20 minutes or more, until firm.
  8. Pour 2nd layer on top of the cooked ube. Cover again and steam for 20 minutes or until firm.
  9. Lastly, pour in  the 3rd layer then cover again and steam for 20 minutes or until firm.
  10. Sprinkle top with “latik”or “budbod” (toasted coconut.)
  11. Cool before slicing.

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